Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2.earlier music influences

well it's time to cast a few lines, let out the nets and trawl to bring a few more of you in, I know you're out there. I was, but here I am putting it on the line. I will list my influences in my own personal chronological order of contact.
The first was Peter, Paul, and Mary-and yes I am comfortable enough in my own space to admit that I learned a lot from them. Besides their excellent vocals Peter Yarrow and Paul Stookey did some great harmonizing with their guitars and fingerpicking. One would play in the first position while the other capo'd up to the second or third position and blended in with the first.Which one of you will step up to the plate and admit that it took you a while to learn 'Puff-tmd'back then and that once you mastered that Travis style pickin, you felt you were a true folkie--ready for Gerdie's.
Eventually their magic began to fade and new fingerstylists began to reak havoc on my finger tips, taking me to faster and more challenging levels. John Fahey and Leo Kotke kept me occupied for very lengthy periods learning their tricks. but it was up to some guitarists from California, north & south to help bring me to what I then thought was the pinnacle of accousticness. Jorma Kaukonen of Hot Tuna fame teased us all in the beginning of his version of hesitation blues and then left us scratching the top of our heads when he went turbo in the middle portion. I have this recurring nightmare of attempting to perform that song and everyone in the audience drops glasses throughout the entire version. From southern CA, my next vinyl[yes i do have a turntable] mentor is Ry Cooder. In my opinion the 'king of syncopation' was a welcome departure from the repetitious styles of Fahey,Kotke, and Lang. I have always felt that Ry Cooder Has never/yet to receive his just accolades as guitarist extraodinaire. Both he and Jorma have have demonstrated staying power throughout the decades. I have added them to my 'bucket list' of those i would like to see perform.
Well I'm sure i have unintentionally omitted some of your favorites. Add them in the comment section, I'd like to know who I missed. My next diatribe will be on the demise of coffee houses as a venue for accoustic music and then on to the progress of my recovery/rehab.
Stay tuned,

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