Thursday, August 20, 2009 houses only the $trong survive

I'm not allowed to drink coffee anymore--I developed a seizure disorder as a result of the stoke . So caffeine[a trigger] is off the intake list. decaf, you say? David Letterman once equated decaf to,"warm brown water". I concur with his assessment,so at this point i have developed a liking for green tea, less caffeine-more antioxidents. Doesn't quite pack the punch as a good ole French roast-sure beats risking having a grand mal.
Well they're really not about coffee.Coffee houses serve a wide array of pastries,beverages,companionship,respite,poetry and music. many a career has been honed or launched in/from coffee houses.San Diego has seen its fair share of them come and go. Of notewothy and lamentable mention is the Heritage in Mission Beach from years back. It is rumored by the artist himself, that Tom Waits use to work and perform there Remaining in that time zone was the Land of Oden and the Candy CO. in La Mesa. Heading back west and tweaking the time machine by decades, Java Joe's in Ocean Beach introduced us to the music of Jewel and Jason Mraz.
So here's the summation-there appears to be a regular set of patrons-i refer to them as grunions who frequent the coffee house venues often yet are unwilling to support them properly, by buying the products being offered for sell or pitching some coins or foldables into the tip jar. Imagine being the owner of one of these establishments,trying to pay your lease,wages, and remaining overhead from the profit margin of coffee and scone sells--pretty tough gig!--solution -charge a cover fee, even on open mike night. Just a couple of bucks or more-it's not going to break the bank. Sure times are tough, but look at the price for a pack of cigs- one always seems to come up with the doe ray for me. They will find it for your cover charge, they want to come in--it will pay your rent & more. Keep your shop alive and thriving. If you see the grunions bringing in and eating their own food, tell them to take it outside
Wow, that felt good to say, with the seizure disorder I'm dependent on public transportation, the DMV takes a dim vue of epileptics behind the wheel. Once I get use to a new coffee house and navigate the buses to get there, I settle into a certain comfort zone and become hesitant to explore further. so support your local coffee bistro, before they get into trouble and have to move on or worse. throw the musicians a couple of bucks also-Be a patron not a putz-support the arts
keep tuning,

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